Friday, April 9, 2010

Another new app!

You have an iPhone. You love your iPhone. How do I know, because I love mine! ;)
it does so many great things, yet even with this incredible device, there is always something lacking. I've just released an app that fills one of those gaps. Introducing, the newest app from, EZ-Groups. EZ-Groups allows you to organize your contacts into groups, right from the phone. If you're like me, you have well over a hundred contacts on your phone. Scrolling through all those contacts can be a pain. Now, you can create contact groups to organize your contacts into smaller, more manageable groups. Need to create a contact list for everyone in the group? No Problem!, with EZ-Groups, you can easily create a new list, in HTML format that can be easily sent to anyone who may need access to that contact list. Great for sports teams, large families, classes, on call lists for work, or anything where someone may need to quickly get a hold of someone on in the list.
You can get EZ-Groups now, on the app store, just $.99

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