Friday, October 16, 2009

The Marketing Continues

Good Afternoon. Today, I thought I'd talk about a different topic regarding iPhone Apps, and the App Store. While Apple does a good job of helping you get your app out there, it's not the only way to market iPhone apps.
Here are some ways to get more exposure for your apps.
A web page is a great start, but if you look at my page, it kinda stinks. Why? After all, I'm a programmer, I should have the coolest site of all! Not quite. While I can build back ends, web pages are definitely not my strong point. It is optimized for Google, and in fact, using google to search for an iphone bracket manager, I'm 4th or 5th on the list.
Many review sites will index the app store, and publish results on their own pages. AppStoreHQ is an example of one of those sites. Only problem is, they don't always refresh when new versions are release. I'm not sure how often they refresh, but they do at some point.
Anyone have any great ideas how to market iphone apps? Anyone making money with their apps yet?

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