Thursday, December 17, 2009

The new app, the first week

It's been about a week since my latest app, Basketball Stats, went live on the App Store. I thought I'd do a quick entry just to recap how it did the first week, and how it's done this week so far. Basically, I would say it's done better than I had expected, but not as well as I had hoped. I took quite a bit of time and put some time into marketing this one. I wrote articles, pointed them back to the web site, of course, blogged about the iphone app, made sure I had good keywords on my page, wrote a press release, and even a classified ad. All these measures did in fact get me noticed by the search engines, but I have yet to make any sales through the basketball stats iPhone App web site. How do I know this? Apple has an affiliate program, where if you sign up, you get 5% of every sale through your site, and as of now, I've had none. Of course, Basketball Stats has sold about 40 copies as of now, which, given it's been out for a week, I'm calling that a small win for a small developer building iPhone apps and putting them on the app store. Hopefully it continues selling at this rate, and I make some money with it while I start building then next iPhone app ;)

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